School of Dreams

As a country that still in the process of development, the formation of individuals with supporting characteristic of country’s development is very important for Indonesia. The individual character is created through variety of ways, and one of them is through formal education. In my opinion, academic science given in the process of learning at the school was instrumental in the formation of knowledge and the thinking ability of students. However, the science required by the students to have their competitiveness in the global world are not sufficiently supported in terms of academic course. As a student, I hope that the process of academic science transfer should be accompanied by the provision of supporting capabilities. Even, if the academic science will support the Intelligence Quotient (IQ), then students should also get the science that would sustain their Emotional Quotient (EQ).

“School of Dreams” is a school that could accommodate and develop the talents and abilities of their students by providing knowledge that can also develop their talents and abilities. In fact, the development of talents and non academic abilities of students is not a new idea. I found a lot of schools that have been only able to render extracurricular activities as a complementary activity. Extracurricular activities are only seen as additional activities for students after undergoing their intracurricular activities. Therefore, schools which are unable to develop their extracurricular activities will close the development of skills and talents of students outside the academic path, so it is possible that students will develop maximally in terms of academic, but their talents and abilities to apply science did not develop well.

Similarly, the environment and the learning process that is carried out in schools. In the formation of character which can afford to have high competitiveness in the era of globalization, the process of learning and school environment should really be a conducive environment and meets the cognitive aspect, affective and psychomotor in its learning processes. Discipline in the learning process and the development of creativity of students must take precedence. Discipline will form the strong character of students in principle as well as to make students understand about purposes of their studies. The enforcement of discipline does not have to mean violence. The effective way to establish the discipline is by making students really understand about purposes of their studies. In other words, the disciplinary process will shape the consciousness of students in learning.

In addition, in order to support the needs of information in the era of globalization, language is also an important factor. Foreign language ability in school activities is the basic foundation needed to be developed. In learning activities, the language taught such as grammar and other language components, as well as vocabulary should be used in the form of conversation in order to make students master a foreign language. Since mastery of foreign language will support the process of communication and information distribution in the current global situation. In doing so, the distribution of information for students will not be limited by language, so students can observe the development of the world globally.

So, the main issue in making  the “School of Dreams” is to change the role of students from object into subject in the learning process. Students can develop their talents and creativities in the learning process, both intracurricular and extracurricular, so students can understand the purpose of learning that they did. Surely here the role of teachers and school management is indispensable. Aside from being a sciences distributor, teachers should also be able to make their students understand in learning. The involvement of teachers in the formation of students as the subject will maximize the learning process. Similarly, in enforcing discipline, the teacher should also contributed.

In other words, “School of Dreams” will provide academic and non academic capabilities to suit the needs of learning process that puts the discipline and creativity of its students. The process of developing the ability of non academic is also supported by the development of extracurricular activities. In addition, the role of students who become the subject in the process of learning should obtain the support of school management, especially teachers in the exercise of their duties as distributor of science. All processes of character building that are implemented by school must be equipped with a religious element as the foundations, so that the existence of God will rub off on students as active actors in globalization. Thus, “School of Dreams” can really form an individual who has a high competitiveness, the individual who would play an active role in globalization and bring the nation’s progress.